"Excuse me, my eyes are up here." -this dude
"If you don't want people to look stop wearing such cute little outfits. You're asking for it." - me
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Happy International Women's Day (over the weekend) everybody. I have no idea what that holiday is or how to celebrate- take today's Sweet Nothing as an example- it kind of sort of celebrates the holiday, right? And WOW! I've made it 50 days into Sweet Nothings. Keep coming back.
Lil' Bobo Baboon Ass
Recently took a trip to the Jacksonville Zoo and saw an inspiring display of arousing Baboon butts. So, I did this fun number in celebration?
Also, wow, it's been two months now of Sweet Nothings. 2 out of 12, slowly but surely we're getting there. I showcased the first 40 SNs in Savannah this month. They were quite the conversation starters. I'm looking forward to the end of the year show when there's a room of full of these puppies.
Until then, keep checking here for your daily dose.
March will start up on Monday.
February 5th, 2015 "#Deflategate"
Detail of "#Deflategate"
And a little thumbnail sketch...
Sketch for "#Deflategate"
February 4th, 2015 "No Hands"
In my seemingly endless problems with social media rejecting my Sweet Nothings based on their depictions of nudity, I decided to place it safe today and create a Sweet Nothing that has no nudity. Fancy that. I wonder how they'd respond to this one?
Detail of "No Hands"
February 3rd, 2015 "Social Media Rubbish Pile"
Boy, the Facebook conglomerate really doesn't like me... that or some of my Facebook friends really aren't my friends. Images keep getting reported. After reviewing the Facebook guidelines regarding nudity I feel like I'm arguably operating within their terms... but I'm sure they're not really all that interested in my argument. Whatevs. #2wild4instagram and #2wild4facebook. Anyhoo, check-in here if they're ever removed from a third party. This site will gladly host them.
Detail of "Social Media Rubbish Pile"
January 31st, 2015 "Slob on my Cob"
Wow, it's been a month already! I'm gonna keep it going with a few changes to the format. Check back tomorrow for some Sweet Nothings updates.
Detail of "Slob on my Cob"
January 30th, 2015 "Peek-a-boo"
Detail of "Peek-a-boo"
January 28th, 2015
Detail of "Ladder"
January 26th, 2015
Today my Sweet Nothing is borrowing from a pose I first masterfully crafted for Fist City's Volume 2 zine. Look below for a detail of "Playboys" and a detail of "Chair" from the aforementioned zine. Fist City co-founder Lomaho Kretzmann produces some cool stuff in his own studio practice AND he also helped me stretch all the paper that these Sweet Nothings are on. Peep his work here: http://lomaho.tumblr.com/
Detail of "Playboys"
Detail from "Chair" Fist City Volume 2
January 25th, 2015 "Subconsciousness?"
Pretty busy today so I had very little time to do this lil guy. Quite literally this is the first thing I drew. Sometimes I have a plan before I draw these, but in this case I just had to go with it due to the time constraints... so, here it is, an entry into my subconscious, kind of.
Detail of "Subconsciousness?"
January 24th, 2015 "The Scissor Sisters"
Detail of "The Scissor Sisters"
January 23rd, 2015 "Plug"
Detail of "Plug"
January 22nd, 2015, More of the Same
Dear Journal: Day 2 of reduced audience. Really testing my interest in doing this daily. I've heard the question asked before- would you still create work if you were stranded on an island? The dilemma of course being whether or not you create for the sake of creating, or is the art secondary to vanity. Hmmm... let's see how long my lil' Sweet Nothings can go on my personal drive alone.
Perhaps I should prop a Wilson volleyball up next to my drafting table as I work.
Detail of More of the Same
January 21st, 2015 "The Eunuch"
Welp, Instagram sure was fast to remove posts, AND apparently they're equally fast at deactivating accounts too. So, that ends the 3 week long journey of Sweet Nothings on Instagram :( I guess there's always the lawless land of Tumblr of which I'm very unfamiliar. But maybe they'll have me. Of course, I'm always at home at my own site, so, consider subscribing to my RSS feed- though I'm not really sure what that means for you or myself.
Only 21 days in and I've already been stripped of an audience. I've grown dependent on all these endorphine-rich "likes" and "followers" that social media provides. Their removal has left me feeling neutered; sure, I have some of the tools, but no real power! So, make a poor boy feel LIKE A REALLLLL MAN and like ME. Like and comment to your heart's desire (right now I'm averaging a robust 1 like for every post, fingers crossed I can push that to 2). Share the page even. Tell a friend. But at the very least, enjoy the continued Sweet Nothings.
Detail of "The Eunuch"
January 20th, 2015
How's everybody doing today? Great! If you're coming from my Instagram feed, welcome! I hope you're having fun. As an extra bonus (and to add some variety to these posts) I'm going to include a few details here and there. All my Sweet Nothings are created on Arches 140 lbs cold-press paper with Holbein's Acrylagouache.
Detail of "The Business Trip" January 20th, 2015
January 19th, 2015, Martin Luther King Day
Happy MLK day, y'all!
January 18th, 2015