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Day 97: Egg

Did I already tell this joke? I don't know too many jokes, so it's likely I've already told it. Either way, it's a good one.
There was a chicken and an egg lying in bed. The chicken looked pretty pleased, while the egg was obviously disappointed. The egg sighed, "Well, I guess we answered THAT question."



Day 96: OJ killed Trayvon

Here's the latest one folks! I also made a quick little video of some of the inking phase. No biggie, but check it out if you've wondered about the process. I'm using a cheap-o brush from Utrecht. But you'll have to go to either of my instagram sites to view it:



Day 94: King of Spades

Took a week off from the Sweet Nothings to vacation a bit. Sat around on a beach for a while. Let me tell you, I don't tan very well, and I should not spend large amounts of time on the beach. But, there I was. Anyway, enough talk about me. Here's the newest Sweet Nothing.

The card deck is starting to really come together. I can't wait to play a game of Oh Hell with my very own Sweet Nothings Deck.
