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Golly! New American Paintings issue 118 spectacular!

New American Paintings Issue 118, cover image by Tad Lauritzen Wright

New American Paintings Issue 118, cover image by Tad Lauritzen Wright

Quick little news update amongst all the Sweet Nothings here. I just got my copy of the latest issue of New American Paintings. I'm fortunate to be in this issue for my larger works on panel, so, check 'em out. There's a lot of great work AND I got a little mention in the front matter from the Juror's Comments.

Spencer’s dynamic, Day-Glo children’s-book-ready scenes that have taken disturbingly dysfunctional turns recall the often intensely psychodramatic nature of Hairy Who, yet in a style that feels more precisely appropriative of existing imagery.
— Dominic Molon, Curator of Contemporary Art, Museum of Art, RISD
New American Paintings, Mr. Parker Still Owes Me 75 Bucks, 2014, acrylic on panel, 60x96

New American Paintings, Mr. Parker Still Owes Me 75 Bucks, 2014, acrylic on panel, 60x96


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New American Paintings, go get you some

Check out the New American Paintings #99 MFA Annual out on shelves now. If you buy a copy from this link you can shave a couple dollars off the cost. I consider myself fortunate for being selected to have my work appear along so many talented MFA candidates from around the nation. It's also been great hearing from subscribers of the magazine... a couple accolades received from some great artist and peers. As of yet, I haven't had many crazies to come out of the woodwork to congratualte me, just one, in a brief but nonetheless awkward texting session. But it's still on the shelves for a bit longer... so, maybe I'll get lucky and score a few more odd exchanges.

Below are a few photos of the issue, including my bio pic, provided by presidential photog. Adam Kuehl- thanks Adam. 

New American Paintings #99 MFA Annualspread with "Straw Man" and "Plane"
spread with "Dagnabit!" and bio contentphoto of Britt Spencer courtesy of Adam Kuehl

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Welcome to my new and questionably better website... enjoy

I've decided to shake the monkey off my back that is website coding and start hosting my site using a template created by a third-party. Check back periodically and become witness to the transformation. Those of you that were familiar with my old site will notice that most of the old work has been "swept under the rug" so to speak, excluding a few little "gems" that get to stick around in my portfolio so long as they keep bringing in the eyes.

While jumping to this new platform has been really beneficial in a number of ways, it has unfortunately had one consequence that isn't so great; namely the loss of my old blog posts. So, expect some lost reruns here... or rather, they're not really reruns, in that a rerun would imply a copy of old material. They'll be more like new versions of old material, sort of like Melrose Place to Beverly Hills 90210. 


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