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Day 104: #FreetheNipple

the most pornographic image on the internet?

the most pornographic image on the internet?

Since posting these Sweet Nothings on social media I've found a fairly biased view towards nipples. It seems like you can show the entirety of the boob, so long as you censor the nipple. Are nipples really the only part of the boob that titillate (pun intended)? And by drawing the human figure covered head-to-toe in uncensored nipples have I made the most pornographic image on the web? I gotta say, this image does very little in moving me. There must be a lot of FREAKS out there! Here's a few cropped images to assist you in making this image more conventionally 'erotic' if you're into that sort of thing. Enjoy.

Erotic nipple #1

Erotic nipple #1

Erotic nipple #2

Erotic nipple #2



Day 33: Social Media Rubbish Pile

February 3rd, 2015 "Social Media Rubbish Pile"

February 3rd, 2015 "Social Media Rubbish Pile"

Boy, the Facebook conglomerate really doesn't like me... that or some of my Facebook friends really aren't my friends. Images keep getting reported. After reviewing the Facebook guidelines regarding nudity I feel like I'm arguably operating within their terms... but I'm sure they're not really all that interested in my argument. Whatevs. #2wild4instagram and #2wild4facebook. Anyhoo, check-in here if they're ever removed from a third party. This site will gladly host them. 

Detail of "Social Media Rubbish Pile"

Detail of "Social Media Rubbish Pile"
