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Day 101 and 102: Lenny Winks and Jack of Spades (again)

a great adventure is waiting for you ahead
hurry onward Lemmiwinks or you will soon be dead
teh journey before you may be long and filled with woahs
but you must escape the gay man’s ass or your tale cant be told

Lemmiwinks (x4)

If you're observant you may have noticed this is the second piece named "Jack of Spades" Well, I realized my original Jack of Spades has two eyes, and I definitely needed a one-eyed Jack somewhere in the deck... so, I'm making an executive decision and repurposing the original to be the Jack of Clubs. Just in case anyone cares (they don't).



Day 94: King of Spades

Took a week off from the Sweet Nothings to vacation a bit. Sat around on a beach for a while. Let me tell you, I don't tan very well, and I should not spend large amounts of time on the beach. But, there I was. Anyway, enough talk about me. Here's the newest Sweet Nothing.

The card deck is starting to really come together. I can't wait to play a game of Oh Hell with my very own Sweet Nothings Deck.



Day 50: International Women's Day

Happy International Women's Day (over the weekend) everybody. I have no idea what that holiday is or how to celebrate- take today's Sweet Nothing as an example- it kind of sort of celebrates the holiday, right? And WOW! I've made it 50 days into Sweet Nothings. Keep coming back.



Day 25: Subconsciousness?

January 25th, 2015 "Subconsciousness?"

January 25th, 2015 "Subconsciousness?"

Pretty busy today so I had very little time to do this lil guy. Quite literally this is the first thing I drew. Sometimes I have a plan before I draw these, but in this case I just had to go with it due to the time constraints... so, here it is, an entry into my subconscious, kind of. 

Detail of "Subconsciousness?"

Detail of "Subconsciousness?"


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Day 2: well, that didn't take very long

Day 2: January 2nd, 2015

Day 2: January 2nd, 2015

Well, that didn't take long... the higher-ups at Instagram were pretty quick to remove my Day 1 Sweet Nothing. But that's okay, just means that you've gotta come by my website to see the blissful unedited versions. Happy hunting!

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And so it begins...

Day 1: January 1st, 2015.

Day 1: January 1st, 2015.

So let's start the new year off right. Let's dust off the "news" page and update this little doggy on-the-regular. Go on, get the whole family together, gather around the internet, and let's view some good ol' fashion naughty bits together.
I'm hoping to have this going daily (at least for the month of January). If it continues to be fun and people are getting their kicks I'll keep it going.
And we're off!
