UPDATE EDIT: This was my old Blog that has since turned into a little easter egg on my site after comments from a number of clients to remove it. I doubt it will include news updates any longer, but may continue to be updated with drawings. Otherwise, check out my new blog in the main navigation bar.
Welcome to "Sweet Nothings" a classless peepshow of naughty bits with the occasional news tidbit from Britt Spencer... but mostly dirty drawings. Updated several times a week, perhaps daily if I'm feeling particularly motivated. If you don't like that sort of thing, turn back now. You can follow my Sweet Nothings on Instagram @sweetnothingsart
New American Paintings Issue 118, cover image by Tad Lauritzen Wright
Quick little news update amongst all the Sweet Nothings here. I just got my copy of the latest issue of New American Paintings. I'm fortunate to be in this issue for my larger works on panel, so, check 'em out. There's a lot of great work AND I got a little mention in the front matter from the Juror's Comments.
“Spencer’s dynamic, Day-Glo children’s-book-ready scenes that have taken disturbingly dysfunctional turns recall the often intensely psychodramatic nature of Hairy Who, yet in a style that feels more precisely appropriative of existing imagery.”
— Dominic Molon, Curator of Contemporary Art, Museum of Art, RISD
New American Paintings, Mr. Parker Still Owes Me 75 Bucks, 2014, acrylic on panel, 60x96
Today my Sweet Nothing is borrowing from a pose I first masterfully crafted for Fist City's Volume 2 zine. Look below for a detail of "Playboys" and a detail of "Chair" from the aforementioned zine. Fist City co-founder Lomaho Kretzmann produces some cool stuff in his own studio practice AND he also helped me stretch all the paper that these Sweet Nothings are on. Peep his work here: http://lomaho.tumblr.com/
Journey by Starlight 2012: How do you measure a year? In presidential elections? Mass apocolyptic hysteria? Gangnam Style(s)? Kony(s)?
Well, if Rent taught me anything, you're supposed to measure a year in LOVE. But that's not very scientific, is it? Is it?!
I don't need to link to any fancy-pants Time Magazine article to tell you the obvious: you can't measure anything accurately with LOVE. You need science!
...What's that? You don't know "science"? You only dissected one half of one frog once?
Well! I can't do anything about budget cuts in your high school, but I can single-handedly educate America's youth with my new book, Journey By Starlight!
Wait, Britt--what's Journey By Starlight got to do with 2012? Oh, it's just the one project I worked all 525,600 minutes of 2012 on.
Journey is a 208 page graphic novel written by Dr. Ian Flitcroft and published in the US by One Peace Books. Basically, Einstein takes you, the reader, on a Journey By Starlight (get it?)--you start some 3,000 lightyears away on P Cygni (that's the star in Starlight) and end up all the way...Well, you'll have to read it and find out. No spoilers here!
It's the timetravelers guide to life, the universe, and everything, answering everything from why the sky is blue to QUANTUM MECHANICS in a (cross my heart) easy and fun way.
Here are some pictures!!!ever wonder what the "E," the "M," the "C," and the little "2" mean in Einstein's famous equation? Well, let me show you!
just a little relativity, gravity, elevators, and trampolines...how to measure the speed of light! not as difficult as one might think....and just some other stuff too
For your convenience, you can preview the first two chapters of the book here. I've uploaded a video of me flipping through the book on a breezy Sunday afternoon, you know, all casual like.
But instead of wasting your time reading this entry and looking at videos of the book on-line... you should waste your time reading the book in reality- buy it here!
Oh, and regarding the title of this blog--I was sent a picture of Journey from Turkey, with the caption "best-seller!"Journey By Starlight on the best-seller shelves in Turkey --Fingers crossed I'm Turkey's own Le Poopy.
...and this quote came down the pike from THE Jim Ottaviani, of G.T. Labs and ubber-famous in the realm of science comics, "I just finished reading "Journey by Starlight" and am dropping you a line (so as to avoid disappointment and future regret) to let you know I thought your illustration work was first rate. Heck, I think that's an objective truth, in fact. Congratulations on making a complex and dense narrative fun to read!"
Finally, special thanks to my talented and devoted interns Allie Jachimowicz, Emily Spencer, and Lomaho Kretzmann. Additional support provided by Ben Ward, Nara De Sa, and Eugenia Hannon. Thanks guys! Lance Sullivan did nothing to help in this project. Nothing.