Queen of Clubs
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sweet nothings
King of Diamonds
Getting closer and closer to having all the face cards worked out for the playing card deck. Get ready for it in the fall of 2016. I don't know about you, but it'll make a great stocking stuffer.
Flapjack Hag
Venus Devouring Her Son
After Goya obv.
Not sure how accurate the mythology is behind this, but it'll have to do. Thanks Goya for doing a lot of the leg work before me.
Saturn Devouring His Son
Booty Worship
Thinking about my boo.
Speaking of my boo, my Bobo, my occasional MVP, my Shannon- I was fortunate enough to get married this weekend (sorry ladies). You might know a little about me, or perhaps you know a little bit about Shannon, but do you know the story of us? I figured not. So, I put together a crude/cute animation to provide a brief history of SHITT (Shannon + Britt = SHITT, it's our celebrity name). I played this at our rehearsal dinner and welcome party. There were a couple of tears. A true sweet nothing among Sweet Nothings.
and since I'm in such a cuddly mode I might as well post a sneak peek from our photographer Mackensey Alexander. I've only seen two preview pics from our ceremony and they're great. Needless to say, I'm chomping at the bits to see the rest.
Photo credit Mackensey Alexander
Some Hat
Perversion Magazine issue #5 has just been released and boy is it steamy. Pick up a hot copy by ordering, or if you're in Jacksonville swing by the release party tonight. Check 'em out here: Perversion Magazine.
From their site-
“All we want to do at Perversion Magazine is create and curate the types of content that we’d want to look at, read, and just generally absorb into our brain holes. Exciting stuff, weird stuff, perverted stuff. Hopefully that’s the type of thing you’re into, too.
Based out of Jacksonville, Florida, we release a quarterly print issue as well as weekly digital content. As of Fall 2015, we are distributed in five states (FL, NY, CA, OR, and PA).”
Well, well, well, you've practically secured the nomination Mr. Trump. No matter what happens, you'll always have one supporter- yourself.
Welcome Back or Au Revoir, France 2016
France was a blast, and so was the Eastern Bloc.
the most pornographic image on the internet?
Since posting these Sweet Nothings on social media I've found a fairly biased view towards nipples. It seems like you can show the entirety of the boob, so long as you censor the nipple. Are nipples really the only part of the boob that titillate (pun intended)? And by drawing the human figure covered head-to-toe in uncensored nipples have I made the most pornographic image on the web? I gotta say, this image does very little in moving me. There must be a lot of FREAKS out there! Here's a few cropped images to assist you in making this image more conventionally 'erotic' if you're into that sort of thing. Enjoy.
Erotic nipple #1
Erotic nipple #2
“a great adventure is waiting for you ahead
hurry onward Lemmiwinks or you will soon be dead
teh journey before you may be long and filled with woahs
but you must escape the gay man’s ass or your tale cant be told
Lemmiwinks (x4)”
If you're observant you may have noticed this is the second piece named "Jack of Spades" Well, I realized my original Jack of Spades has two eyes, and I definitely needed a one-eyed Jack somewhere in the deck... so, I'm making an executive decision and repurposing the original to be the Jack of Clubs. Just in case anyone cares (they don't).
Finally found some time to do a few more. And I'm finally at 100! Hot dog, that's something. I'm not sure it's an achievement I'll write home about, but it's something nonetheless. Hope I didn't lose too many of you with such a long hiatus.
The Fountain
Detail of "The Fountain"
It would seem that I never posted my 99th Sweet Nothing, so for posterity, here ya go:
Sissy Baby
Did I already tell this joke? I don't know too many jokes, so it's likely I've already told it. Either way, it's a good one.
There was a chicken and an egg lying in bed. The chicken looked pretty pleased, while the egg was obviously disappointed. The egg sighed, "Well, I guess we answered THAT question."
Here's the latest one folks! I also made a quick little video of some of the inking phase. No biggie, but check it out if you've wondered about the process. I'm using a cheap-o brush from Utrecht. But you'll have to go to either of my instagram sites to view it: https://instagram.com/p/5ZxRPyvu4j/?taken-by=britt.spencer
Took a week off from the Sweet Nothings to vacation a bit. Sat around on a beach for a while. Let me tell you, I don't tan very well, and I should not spend large amounts of time on the beach. But, there I was. Anyway, enough talk about me. Here's the newest Sweet Nothing.
The card deck is starting to really come together. I can't wait to play a game of Oh Hell with my very own Sweet Nothings Deck.
Happy 4th of July everybody! Hopefully you'll see some good firework shows.
The Amazonian Princess
detail of Amazonian Princess
Jack of Spades
Today the Supreme Court of the United States made a landmark decision to allow gay marriage. Then again if you didn't know that... thanks for making Sweet Nothings the only website that you visited today. At any rate, here's my Sweet Nothing for it, as well as the SN for the Jack of Spades in the SN playing deck.
Jack of Spades detail