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sweet nothings
April 15th! Oh the bloody tax day is here. The taxman is always gonna get his. That government really got his this year from me. Say, who wants to hear a joke? Great! Here goes: There's a chicken and an egg both sitting in bed smoking a cigarette. The chicken is looking quite satisfied, while the egg is looking, well, disappointed. The egg shrugs, "Well, I guess we answered THAT question!" jajajajaja. Enjoy and make sure to pay those damn taxes...
Dinner plates alone merit a whole series.
I sketched this one out for Inktober last year. If you followed my old account, maybe you remember it? Welp, I liked it then and now that I'm doing this series I thought I'd develop it into a full-color Sweet Nothing.
Wow! It's been three months. Keep coming back.
"Excuse me, my eyes are up here." -this dude
"If you don't want people to look stop wearing such cute little outfits. You're asking for it." - me
A couple of things: Modest beginning to my new Instagram account, but hey I'm at 69 followers, so you know, why not do an image for such an occasion? Secondly, I'm thinking down the road of making a deck of cards featuring my Sweet Nothings... can I say Jack of Hearts???
Oh no, somebody didn't wear any green today! Pinch, pinch, pinch. Happy St. Patrick's Day everybody. Also, I'm pleased that Facebook has updated their community standards. I believe my Sweet Nothings are officially welcome on Facebook.
In their wording it seems like paintings of nudity so long as it's not explicit of sexual intercourse is allowable. Really, most of my Sweet Nothings have not been sexual intercourse... at least not explicitly... sometimes pretty clear, but often not.
Instagram is still another story. But feel free to follow my private account @sweetnothingsdaily.
Congrats to my friends and their new baby. I heard the term "dilated" thrown around over the past few days and it got me thinking of a few Sweet Nothings, and being entirely ignorant to the miracle of labor I'm sure I'm way off on what that term actually means... but you know, don't take my word for it, ask a doctor or the internet, or get someone pregnant.*
*then stick around for nine months if not longer.
Happy International Women's Day (over the weekend) everybody. I have no idea what that holiday is or how to celebrate- take today's Sweet Nothing as an example- it kind of sort of celebrates the holiday, right? And WOW! I've made it 50 days into Sweet Nothings. Keep coming back.