Dickhead (Dylann Storm Roof)
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sweet nothings
Dickhead (Dylann Storm Roof)
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Queen of Hearts
Queen of Spades
Making some strides towards my Sweet Nothings playing card deck. Here's the King of Hearts.
Got a nice bump from Slorum.net, thanks for sharing and welcome to all you new peepers. This one was maybe better suited for a #throwback day since it's a shout out to a 30,000 year old fertility sculpture named the Venus of Willendorf. Oh well, maybe next time.
OMG! We're already in the 6th month of Sweet Nothings! Who would have thought it'd make it this long??? Sure, the past couple of weeks have been light, but still plugging (no pun intended) away here and hope to have a good show at the end of the year. Now that the summer months are upon us I'd like to think I'll have more time to sit down and really think of some more... plus I still need to make the card deck with the various royalty, so I've at the very least got to keep this going for that. Thanks for checking-in.
With love-
Holy COW! Already in the 5th month of doing Sweet Nothings. It feels like I just started yesterday. Sure, I've cut back the amount I do in a week. But hey, as far as New Year's resolutions go, this one has been pretty successful I'd say. Heck, my workout routine only lasted for a month. If I only I could put as much effort into my appearance as I do these goofy things I'd really have something. But until I do, you'll have to settle for Sweet Nothings drawn by a soft harmless little fuzzball. Jah bless.
New level of weird here at Sweet Nothings...
Some turmoil in the nation. Man, if people just followed the Golden Rule, we'd all be better off. I figured I'd make a Sweet Nothing response to the events. Ladies and gentlemen: I give you a political Sweet Nothing, "When You Try and Screw Someone, You End Up Screwing Yourself"
Take care.
Earnest attempt to capture a described moment in history, again from my favorite podcast. Complete with a SAG voucher. The Casting Office #neverforget
I usually don't make fan art, but when I do, it involves the Big 3 podcast. In the last episode, we were introduced to the fantastic temptress named Cha-Cha Lumpy. The name got my blood boiling with passion. One of the founding members of the trio got caught up in a fairly tragic love triangle involving Ms. Lumpy. Unfortunate for him that he didn't have a better friend to help him get through such a rough period in his life. Anyway, if you're interested here's a link to the specific podcast: http://www.thebig3podcast.com/2015/04/10/best-of/
"What are number are we thinking of?"
"69, Dudes!"
-Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure
Day 69 of Sweet Nothings. It's been a fun ride so far. Let's keep going. Since my Instagram account was disabled I've slowly been building it back up over the past couple of months. Shout-out again to Tina Lugo for her bump that eventually formed the bulk of my current followers. So, now that I'm here- Day 69 and 500+ followers, let's celebrate with a Sweet Nothing ink drawing giveaway! Check out the Instagram account @sweetnothingsdaily for details.
The drawing is on Arches watercolor cold-press 140 lbs paper. Roughly about 7 x 7 inches. I'll be picking a winner with a random number generator. I'll take on the shipping cost, so long as it's in the states.