At its core, my work is subjective commentary on life trying to land somewhere between humor and pity. Themes revolving around familial relationships and societal structures are common. I am interested in the rudimentary structure of narrative, telling a story of some form with the coherence of message being secondary. This results in scattered symbolical imagery with tacit implications towards an end but no discernible direction on how to get there or why you’d even bother if you did find the path.
All coming from the point of view of a fairly typical, but maybe slightly pathetic little man.
Dagnabit!!!, Alexander Hall, Savannah, GA
All work is created at a rat's nest of a studio space in beautiful Savannah, GA. The so-called Widowmaker Studios is the type of work environment you'd read about in a Nat. Geo. special highlighting 3rd world conditions in the workplace; it's dirty, cluttered with useless debris, and violating about every item in OSHA's lil' handbook. Surprisingly enough, Widowmaker is functional and big, so if you don't mind working in squalor- it's a great spot. And hey, when it gets to the gallery you wouldn't even notice.
My Neck, My Back... and Dickfor WIP at Widowmaker Studios, gearing up for a show at the Fort Wayne Museum of Art
A lil' peak into process; masking off areas and applying paint.
Noose and Plane, Hall Street Gallery, Savannah, GA