I've had a lot of life milestones that were both amazing and time consuming-- thus no blog entries. So, what better way to reboot this blog than doing a year-in-review? Well, about this time last year I was getting hitched to this woman. Lucky me. If you've been following me for awhile you may recall that I made a post including the animation below that details the lurid history of SHITT (Shannon + Britt = SHITT). Originally posted on the now hidden Sweet Nothings blog I figured it was too sweet to completely bury as an easter egg, so here it is again.
After tying the knot, we did what many young lovers do; we bought a house. It just so happened that our closing day was also the eve of Hurricane Matthew's arrival. The storm came and went with minimal impact on our new home. Shortly thereafter we started working on our own little artistic collaboration, i.e. a baby! But not just any baby, the SHITT baby. Unfortunately, #SHITTbaby isn't here yet... expect her in October. In the meantime we've been having fun with some other less consequential art collabs; a live-painting charity event, SCAD's Sidewalk Arts Festival and having a babymoon to some really cool inspirational places. Have you ever been to Meow Wolf?!?! That places is great.
My square for the Sidewalk Arts Festival 2017, #SCADCHALK
Both our squares. Shannon is adding the last coat of white chalk.
Meow Wolf, Santa Fe, NM

In addition to all the personal hubbub I've been cranking out a whole bunch of commissions and work for shows. Some of the bigger highlights are as follows:
A big ol' mural in Murray Hill, Jacksonville, FL.
This bad boy titled 'Lasso' consumed me for a full month in the late summer of 2016. At times I felt that I was going to die in the blistering heat of a Jacksonville summer with a massive 120 foot wall reflecting light onto me. Thanks to Jason Tetlak of the Murray Hill Preservation Association for securing funding for such a big project. If you're ever in Jacksonville make sure to give it a look-see on Edgewood Drive. You can't miss it!
The sketch was pretty unwieldy but a great subject for a time-lapse video.
New paintings for a group show in the Mid-West
Had the honor of being invited to a group show with some pretty awesome artists. The show was/is hosted by the Carnegie Center for the Arts in New Albany, IN. It's still up for a few more days, check it out if you're in the area. Below are a few process shots as well some from the space itself. In recent history I've been dabbling with the illusion of peripheral drift- the image with the lady wearing a fur coat is an experiment with the principles of that illusion. I'm looking forward to playing around with some more optical illusions in future works.
... and lastly, staying busy with editorial
This year has been full of fun editorial jobs, here are a few: